All aboard the Santa Express! For a second year in the row, Engine No. 148, also known as the Sugar Express, will be delivering toys to boys and girls across the Glades community.
The Sugar Express steam locomotive No. 148 is a 4-6-2 type steam engine manufactured in 1920 by the American Locomotive Company (ALCO).
The train would transport sugarcane from the harvest field to the processing plant. From 1952 until 1969, No. 148 was in operation before being sold.
In 2016, U.S. Sugar repurchased No. 148 and oversaw its restoration. In 2020, the Sugar Express officially returned to service.
For the second year in a row, the Sugar Express has partnered up with the Toys for Tots programs in Moore Haven, Clewiston, Belle Glade and Martin County to spread holiday cheer.
This Saturday, December 11, the Sugar Express Santa Train will be operating on the mainline of the South-Central Florida Express Belle Glade and Lake Placid.
Santa and his elves will be on board, greeting children and delivering gifts. At each stop, children will be able to wave to Santa and deliver their own letters.
Individuals looking to support the Toys for Tots Programs in the Glades can provide unwrapped gifts and visit online at https://www.toysfortots.org/ for more information. Interested parents can also sign up to receive toys later directly from their local program.